IMDG Code 2022

IMDG Code 2022

(English) - Book

International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code incorporating amendment 41-2022

prezzo: 210,00 €
IVA assolta dall'editore
Edizione 2022
Volumi 2
Codice IMO IN200E
ISBN .....................

                -      disponibile da gennaio 2023 -

Edizione originale in lingua inglese dell'International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, aggiornato al 41° emendamento, applicabile a livello internazionale su base volontaria dal 1° gennaio 2023 e obbligatoriamente dal 1° gennaio 2024.

Amendment 41-22 includes revisions to various sections of the Code and to transport requirements for specific substances. It is mandatory as from 1 June 2024 but may be applied by Administrations in whole or in part on a voluntary basis from 1 January 2023.

Volume 1 (parts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7) contains:
- general provisions, definitions and training
- classification
- packing and tank provisions
- consignment procedures
- construction and testing of packagings, IBCs, large packagings, portable tanks, MEGCs and road tank vehicles
- transport operations.

Volume 2 contains:
- part 3 (Dangerous Goods List, special provisions and exceptions)
- Appendix A (list of generic and N.O.S. proper shipping names) and Appendix B (glossary of terms)
- Index.